Volunteer with us!

We are currently a 100% volunteer-led organization. We are seeking volunteers to provide support in research, community engagement, social media, language support and translation (Cantonese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Khmer, and Spanish), grant writing, fundraising, and more. Below is a list of active working groups we convene.

LACCLT Working Groups

  • Community Outreach - The Community Outreach Workgroup focuses on developing relationships with community members, which includes tenant organizations, community groups, and elected offices. This workgroup helps support tenants/tenant associations who may be interested in purchasing their property. Other potential activities could include tabling at community events and meeting with other community groups.

  • Property Owner Outreach + Acquisition - The Acquisition Workgroup (previously Property Owner Outreach) supports acquisition projects for the CLT. Acquisition broadly refers to all steps in potential acquisition processes, from developing relationships with funders/developers, to engaging with property owners who may want to sell their property. Current efforts include exploring acquisition of current for-sale buildings in Chinatown.

  • Fundraising - The Fundraising Workgroup supports various fundraising and financing efforts for the CLT. Areas of focus include grant writing, developing relationships with funders, and developing budgets.

  • Strategic Planning - The Strategic Planning Workgroup is focused on helping the CLT identify an external vendor who can help the CLT develop a strategic plan. Current efforts include engaging with a potential vendor, reviewing proposed workplans, and coordinating a contract with said vendor.

Or you may email us with a description of what you can volunteer with and the skills that you bring. If you are interested in supporting the LA Chinatown CLT in other ways, please fill out the form below or contact us at lachinatownclt@gmail.com


我們是100%志願工經營的組織,我們需要志願工來支持有關以下的方面: 研究,社區參與,社交媒體、翻譯 (廣東話,普通話,越南話,高棉語,和西班牙語),申請資助、籌款。請以電子郵件告訴我們您可以提供的志願服務以及您擁有的技能



  • 你是社區居民嗎? 請與你的鄰居分享土地信託和我們的使命。

  • 你擁有房產嗎? 將你的房產賣給土地信託可確保長期租戶能有家可居和避免在未來被建商驅逐。

如果你有興趣以任何方式來支持洛杉磯華埠土地信託,請透過電子郵件(lachinatownclt@gmail.com) 與我們聯繫.